Effective health-related data sharing across Europe
Paving the way for an effective health-related data sharing across Europe
To maximise the impact of health research, it is necessary to adopt best practices on how to efficiently manage health data.
Defining the Strategic Agenda for the European Health Research and Innovation Cloud
The objective of HealthyCloud is to generate a number of guidelines, recommendations and specifications that will enable distributed health research across Europe in the form of a Ready-to-implement Roadmap. This roadmap together with the feedback gathered from a broad range of stakeholders will be the basis to produce the final HealthyCloud Strategic Agenda for the European Health Research and Innovation Cloud (HRIC).
Hearing the voice of the community
To facilitate the generation of the final Strategic Agenda, we are joining a broad number of stakeholders across the EU member states, the European Commission, and relevant regional, national and international initiatives in the form of a Stakeholder Forum. HealthyCloud Stakeholder Forum invites representatives from healthcare providers, academia, industry, patients and citizens’ organizations, professional organizations and policy and decision-makers.
The aim of this work package is to efficiently manage the project and to systematically monitor its activities in order to support the proper generation of the planned deliverables. A special focus will be on guaranteeing that internal and external interactions are timely executed in the work plan to ensure the Strategic Agenda is coherent, consistent and reflects priorities from a broad range of stakeholders. This includes the day-to-day follow-up of the scientific, administrative and financial aspects. WP1 will ensure that the contractual obligations are fulfilled and the expected results are delivered as planned.
The main aim of this work package is to demonstrate the utility of the envisioned HealthyCloud infrastructure by analysing two real-world use-cases.
Healthy Cloud project is driven by two real-world use cases on cancer and atrial fibrillation, which will ensure that propositions by domain-specific and technological experts are technically and ethically sound and legally compliant.
The Strategic Agenda will incorporate consolidated feedback from a broad range of stakeholders, including the European Commission, the Member States and regional, national, European and international relevant initiatives. These agents will be invited to be part of the HealthyCloud Stakeholder Forum, designed to facilitate the dialogue among them and the Consortium, and to act as an umbrella to bring together similar efforts in specific domains.
HealthyCloud is working on a Ready-to-implement Roadmap, which will be the core content of the Strategic Agenda, considering the outcomes of ongoing activities in the context of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), and especially from the cluster project EOSC-Life
A broad range of stakeholders, organised in the HealthyCloud Stakeholder Forum, is involved in the development of the roadmap with the goal of building trust on the basis of transparency and shared needs, challenges and opportunities. In this way, it is ensured that the roadmap is technically and ethically sound and legally compliant.
HealthyCloud is a project that brings together 21 organizations from 11 countries with broad and yet complementary expertise, including European Research Infrastructure Consortiums, national public health institutes, data hubs and academic institutions, including 5 research infrastructures (ELIXIR, ECRIN, EATRIS, BBMRI and Euro-BioImaging) and 3 joint actions (InfAct, iPAAC and eHAction) related to health research.
The partners of the Health Cloud project
The partners of the project:
Instituto Aragonés de Ciencias de la Salud (IACS)
European Clinical Research Infrastructure Network (ECRIN)
EGI Foundation
Biobanks and Biomolecular Resources Research Infrastructure Consortium (BBMRI-ERIC)
European Advanced Translational Research Infrastructure in Medicine (EATRIS), EuroBioImaging
Universitat de Barcelona (UB)
Technologie Und Methodenplattform Fur Die Vernetzte Medizinische Forschung Ev (TMF)
Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL), Austrian National Public Health Institute (GÖG)
Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC), European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL)
Servicio Andaluz de Salud (SAS)
University of Luxembourg (UNILU)
Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG)
CSC – IT Center for Science
University of Tartu
German Network for Bioinformatics Infrastructure (de.NBI-Cloud)
Serviços Partilhados do Ministério da Saúde Epe (SPMS)
Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC)