Atlas of Potentially Avoidable Hospitalisations in patients for chronic conditions 2018-2020

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ISSN: 2529-9255 Vol.8 Online HPE ZBS- Last updated: April 2023

About this Atlas

The indicators chosen for the development of this Atlas of Potentially Avoidable Hospitalisations for chronic conditions 2018-2020 are: hospitalisations for acute complications of diabetes (CAD), hospitalisations for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), hospitalisations for congestive heart failure (CHF), hospitalisations for dehydration (DH), emergency hospitalisations for non-primary and non-procedural angina (Angina) and hospitalisations for adult asthma (Asthma).

Potentially avoidable hospitalisations (PAH) define those health problems where appropriate outpatient care in terms of type, location, intensity, timeliness and effectiveness can help to reduce the risks of hospitalisation. From a system perspective, increasing the quality of care delivery and improving the coordination and continuity of care for the chronically ill would lead to a reduction in these admission rates, improving overall system outcomes.

This Atlas of Potentially Avoidable Hospitalisations for chronic conditions between 2018-2020 by basic health area is funded by the Research Network on Chronicity, Primary Care and Health Prevention and Promotion (RICAPPS). Instituto de Salud Carlos III, European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and European Social Fund. IACS Research Group (Aragon Institute of Health Sciences). RD21/0016/0023.

Infography about Atlas of Potentially Avoidable Hospitalisations in patients for chronic conditions 2018-2020
Downloadable documents about this atlas (spanish version)

Cited byMartínez-Lizaga N, González-Galindo J, Royo-Sierra S, Seral-Rodríguez M, Angulo-Pueyo E, Estupiñan-Romero F, Ibañez-Beroiz B, Librero-López J, Millán-Ortuondo E, Hurtado-Navarro I, Peiró-Moreno S, Ridao-López M, & Bernal-Delgado E, por el grupo Atlas VPM (2023). Atlas de Hospitalizaciones Potencialmente Evitables por condiciones crónicas por zona básica de salud 2018-2020 – Atlas of Potentially Avoidable Hospitalisations in patients for chronic conditions 2018-2020 (1.0.0). Zenodo.

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