Update of this atlas
This update includes a new section “Time projection”, which shows, in addition to the monthly evolution of the expected values of success for each of the indicators, the monthly projection for 2 years.
The Variability section shows the map with the geolocation of the hospitals analysed, according to the indicator, with the results for the last year of the available period, 2018. This section also includes the evolution of the standardised in-hospital mortality ratios (SMR) over the period 2003-2018.
The Performance Profile section represents the performance or behaviour of each of the analysed hospitals in the years 2015 and 2018 for all quality indicators. That is, the results of the last year of the period (year 2018) are shown, together with the last year of hospital activity registration through the ICD9-CM coding system (year 2015), from which point onwards the coding was changed to the ICD10 system.