
The scientific interest of the Data Science group for research in health services and policies is the analysis of health systems as a determinant of individual and population health.

From the Data Science for Research in Health Services and Policies group we provide advice for the development and transfer of knowledge in different research topics, in response to the demand of institutions, companies and society in general.

  • Health systems analysis

    Health systems analysis at national and European level

  • Health Data Mining

    Definition of indicators – Analysis of data quality – Data analysis (variability, male/female comparison, by age groups, by socio-economic level)

  • Reporting

    Interactive reporting – reporting of results

Work in progress

Support for the preparation of a report on variability in clinical practice in primary care in the National Health System, Ministry of Health.

Atlas de utilización de procedimientos de dudoso valor y, cirugía ortopédica y traumatológica. Canarias 2018, Servicio Canario de Salud, 2018

Análisis de las hospitalizaciones potencialmente evitables en la red hospitalaria de Euskadi para el periodo 2002-2016, el Gobierno Vasco, 2018

Utilización de procedimientos de dudoso valor en la Comunidad Autónoma de Andalucía, Escuela Andaluza de Salud Pública, 2017