The Population Health Information Research Infrastructure

PHIRI is the roll-out of the research infrastructure on population health information that aims to facilitate and generate the best available evidence for research on health and well-being of populations as impacted by COVID-19. This project allows for better coordinated European efforts across national and European stakeholders to generate the best COVID-19 population health knowledge. In doing so, PHIRI is laying the foundation to build a Distributed Infrastructure on Population Health (DIPoH) to be used to overcome future crisis and ensure the sustainability of the project. The intent is to support research across Europe through the identification, access, assessment and reuse of population health and non-health data to underpin public health policy decisions.

This is achieved through a close collaboration with 41 partners across 30 countries over a period of 36 months (November 2020 – November 2023). The project is divided in 9 work packages with three transversal topics.

PHIRI aims to facilitate and support open, interconnected, and data-driven research through the sharing of cross-country COVID-19 population health information and exchange of best practices related to data collection, curation, processing, use and reuse of data following ELSI and FAIR principles.

Project Coordinator

The coordinating institution of PHIRI is Sciensano

WP 7 Coordinator

Institute for Health Sciences (IACS) coordinate WP 7 «Building a federated research infrastructure for a rapid policy response»

Participation in WP 6

IACS participate in WP6 leading a use case “Delayed care in cancer patients”


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101018317

PHIRI builds on the achievements of the BRIDGE Health and the Joint Action on Health Information (InfAct) projects.

More information:

  • Use case “Delayed care in cancer patients”

    IACS participate in WP 6

    WP 6 aims to conduct research through use cases of immediate relevance for public health policies and management of the COVID-19 pandemic, and to facilitate further research by making scalable, reproducible methods available within PHIRI.

    In particular, IACS lead a use case “Delayed care in cancer patients”

    More information:

  • Federated Research Infrastructure

    IACS coordinate WP 7

    WP 7, coordinate by IACS, aims to create and validate a federated research infrastructure that overcomes data reuse & data sharing hindrances for rapid policy relevant research response to the evolving pandemic.

    More information:

About ‘Building a Federated Research Infrastructure for a Rapid Policy Response ‘

As an overarching goal, WP7 aims to create and validate a federated research infrastructure that overcomes data reuse & data sharing hindrances for rapid policy relevant research response to the evolving pandemic. This WP will develop on five main objectives and task.

This work package will provide the technological substrate to support the development of a federated research infrastructure that overcomes these hindrances whilst producing research outputs for a rapid policy response.

More information:

As a result, the PHIRI infrastructure delivered will play a key role in the future European Health Data Space as well as in the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC).

Task 7.1 will demonstrate the capacities of the federated research infrastructure for the production of accurate and timely research outputs for a rapid policy response on COVID-19. The task entails the identification of the relevant data sources, the development of the data model and the analytical pipeline, and the FAIR reporting of the rapid cycle outputs. This task will generate solutions for the rapid cycle analysis and reporting of testing policies and assessment of the impact of control measures in the evolution of infections and hospitalizations. In addition, the analytical pipeline will be adapted so as to be able to reuse those COVID-19 data collections collected by ECDC for surveillance purposes. Alongside these efforts, PHIRI will explore with ECDC if collection of epidemiological data from MS can be reinforced and improved using the capacities of the relevant national public health bodies participating in the PHIRI consortium.

This task represents the actual development of the federated research infrastructure solutions, driven by the WP6 use cases. First, the CDM design will explore the use of the Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership (OMOP) CDM, a widely adopted CDM for observational health data analytics. Secondly, the analytical pipelines that support the use-cases will compute the local solutions for the research question on each data hub, moving these final aggregated results to the coordination hub, who will merge them for further comparative analysis between partners. Lastly, all the software developed will be open sourced and included in the WP4 PHIRI Portal.

This task will focus on the capacity building within the participant hubs’ personnel in two complementary ways:

  1. Supporting the specific IT implementation activities.
  2. Coordinating the different IT activities and the linkage of WP6 development activities through the setting up of a Developers working group consisting of a community of data hub’s IT experts in charge of the FRI implementation.

T7.3 will focus on validating the software solutions developed in T7.2, for the Common Data Model, the ETL processes and analytical pipelines, including the implementation of patches to solve the detected issues detected.

This task will  evaluate advanced distributed analysis techniques to upgrade options for PHIRI research infrastructure. At the same time, this task will assess the eventual need for future increasing computational and storage capacity; thus, the need of linkage with high performance computing centres or, public or private clouds. Finally, this task will get insight from WP9 on effective modelling with a view to upgrade the PHIRI infrastructure according to policy requirements.


PHIRI—from data to public health actionsA special supplement of the EJPH

European Journal of Public Health Volume 34, Issue Supplement_1, July 2024
Population Health Information Research Infrastructure – From Data to Public Health Actions

All Outputs about WP7 and WP6 use case- PHIRIPHIRI WP7 Outputs

All outputs about WP7 of the PHIRI project and WP6 use case

PHIRI projectPHIRI project Outputs

All WPs Results of the PHIRI project

Mid-size prototype of PHIRI federated infrastructureWP 7 Output
Small-scale prototype of PHIRI federated infrastructureWP 7 Output
PHIRI APP- WP7 - Pilot scripts for local analyses (RMarkdown)PHIRI WP 7 Publication

Enrique Bernal-Delgado, Francisco Estupiñán-Romero, Javier González-Galindo, Carlos Tellería-Orriols, & Juan González-García. (2022). PHIRI – WP7 – Pilot scripts for local analyses (RMarkdown) (1.0.0). Zenodo.

PHIRI APP- WP7 - Pilot outputs from the local analyses (interactive reports)PHIRI WP 7 Publication

Enrique Bernal-Delgado, Francisco Estupiñán-Romero, Javier González-Galindo, Carlos Tellería-Orriols, & Juan González-García. (2022). PHIRI – WP7 – Pilot outputs from the local analyses (interactive reports). Zenodo.

PHIRI APP- WP7 - PHIRI Federated Research InfrastructurePHIRI WP 7 Publication

Javier González-Galindo, Francisco Estupiñán-Romero, David Chichell-Ruíz, Juan González-García, Carlos Tellería-Orriols, & Enrique Bernal-Delgado. (2021). PHIRI APP – WP7 – PHIRI Federated Research Infrastructure (FRI) – D7.1 Small-scale prototype of PHIRI federated infrastructure. Zenodo.

‘Building a Federated Research Infrastructure for a Rapid Policy Response’Video WP7

PHIRI Federated Research Infrastructure- One pagerWP7 One pager


  1. Austria – Gesundheit Osterreich Gmbh
  2. Belgium – Sciensano
  3. Bosnia And Herzegovina – Zavod za javno zdravstvo Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine
  4. Bulgaria – Natsionalen centar po obshtestveno zdrave i analizi
  5. Croatia – Hrvatski Zavod Za Javno Zdravstvo
  6. Czech Republic – Ustav Zdravotnickych Informaci A Statistiky Ceske Republiky
  7. Estonia – Tervise Arengu Instituut
  8. Finland- Terveyden Ja Hyvinvoinnin Laitos
  9. France – Agence Nationale De Sante Publique
  10. France – Institut National De La Sante Et De La Recherche Medicale
  11. Germany – Robert Koch-Institut
  12. Greece – Ethnikos Organismos Parochis Ypiresion Ygias
  13. Greece – Panepistimio Thessalias/ University of Thessaly
  14. Greece – Panepistimio Kritis/ University of Crete
  15. Hungary – Országos Kórházi Főigazgatóság
  16. Ireland – Department Of Health
  17. Ireland – The Health Research Board
  18. Ireland – Health Service Executive
  19. Italy- Istituto Superiore Di Sanita
  20. Italy – Università politecnica delle Marche
  21. Latvia – Slimibu Profilakses Un Kontroles Centrs
  22. Lithuania – Lietuvos respublikos sveikatos apsaugos ministerija
  23. Lithuania – Higienos institutas
  24. Luxembourg – Ministere De La Sante
  25. Malta – Ministry for Health – Government of Malta
  26. Moldova (Republic Of) – Universitatea De Stat De Medicina Si Farmacie Nicolae Testemitanu Din Republica Moldova
  27. The Netherlands – Rijksinstituut Voor Volksgezondheid En Milieu
  28. Norway – Folkehelseinstituttet
  29. Norway – Helsedirektorate
  30. Poland – The Ministry Of Health Of The Republic Of Poland
  31. Portugal-  Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Medicina
  32. Portugal – Ministerio Da Saude – Republica Portuguesa
  33. Portugal – Universidade Nova De Lisboa
  34. Romania – Institutul National De Sanatate Publica
  35. Serbia – Institut Za Zastitu Zdravlja Srbijedr Milan Jovanovic Batut
  36. Slovakia – Narodne centrum zdravotnickych informacii
  37. Slovenia – Nacionalni institut za javno zdravje
  38. Spain – Instituto Aragones De Ciencias De La Salud
  39. Spain – Instituto De Salud Carlos III
  40. Sweden – Folkhalsomyndigheten
  41. United Kingdom – Swansea University

Its membership is made up of the leaders and co-leaders of each of the project work packages. The Committee meets multiple times during the life of the project, with ongoing electronic discussion.

  • Austria, Gesundheit Österreich GmbH (GÖG)
  • Belgium, Sciensano
  • Finland, Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos (THL)
  • Germany, Robert Koch-Institut (RKI)
  • Malta, Ministry for Health – Government of Malta, (MFH)
  • Portugal, Ministério da Saúde, Direção-Geral da Saúde (DGS /FUML)
  • Portugal, Universidade Nova de Lisboa (UNL)
  • Romania, National Institute of Public Health, (INSP)
  • Slovenia, National Institute of Public Health (NIJZ)
  • Spain, Instituto Aragonés de Ciencias de la Salud (IACS)
  • Spain, Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII)
  • Netherlands, Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu (RIVM)
  • United Kingdom, Swansea University (SU)

The coordinating institution of PHIRI is Sciensano.

The leader and co-leader of this work package are:

Instituto Aragonés de Ciencias de la Salud (IACS)

Swansea University (SU)