IACS coordinate Quantum Consortium
Developing a Data Quality and Utility Label for HealthData@EU
QUANTUM aims at developing and implementing a label mechanism that could be ideally adopted in the future HealthData@EU.
QUANTUM builds on 5 technical work packages (WP). WP1 conceptualises and provides technical specifications for a data quality, utility, and maturity label. WP2 designs and tests, at small-scale, the label. WP3 implements the labelling mechanism in a number of data holders. WP4 engages the data quality users’ community; and, WP5 outreaches other interested parties, including other initiatives building HealthData@EU.
Expected results: A common concept of datasets Quality and Utility and Data holders’ Maturity, Technical specifications for the label, A conformance checking tool that yields the label, An implementation report of the label mechanism, Recommendations for a large-scale implementation of the QUANTUM label mechanism, The QUANTUM Exchange Platform and Academy as instruments for capacity building.
For this purpose, 27 beneficiaries, 5 affiliated entities and 3 associated partners. The composition of the Consortium seeks to reflect the different roles and institutions in the governance of the HealthData@EU; virtually consider all types of data and science of interest; and gather the expertise of previous outstanding projects in the domain.
This WP aims at deploying the tool developed in a larger group of data holders participating in the project.
This WP also includes the assessment of the implementation process where data holders will provide insights for transferability and sustainability; thus, providing guidance for the eventual delegation and implementation acts derived from the application of the legislative proposal for the HealthData@EU, as in article 56.
The general objective of WP6 isto provide efficient management and coordination of both the project and the consortium, as well as to ensure a timely project implementation, in line with its planned objectives, and a continuous evaluation.
The objective is to ensure compliance with the ‘ethics requirements’ set out in this work package.
a) A common concept of datasets Quality and Utility and Data holders’ Maturity
b) Technical specifications for the label (Deliverable D1.1. and D1.2)
c) A conformance checking tool that yields the label (D2.1)
d) An implementation report of the label mechanism (D3.1)
e) Recommendations for a large-scale implementation of the QUANTUM label mechanism (D3.2)
f) The QUANTUM Exchange Platform and Academy (D4.2 and D4.3) as instruments for capacity building.
NEXT OUTPUTS will be publised in:
All outputs: www.cienciadedatosysalud.org/tipo-publicacion/quantum/
All WPs Results of the QUANTUM project: www.quantumproject.eu
More publications in Zenodo community: zenodo.org/communities/quantumproject/