Atlas of Pharmaceutical Prescription in Diabetes in Navarra

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Atlas de prescripción farmacéutica en diabetes en Navarra

ISSN: 2529-9255 Vol.12 Online Prescripción- January 2023/ Update: June 2024

About this Atlas

The Atlas of Diabetes Healthcare in Navarra includes the Atlas for Diabetes Care Monitoring and the Atlas of Pharmaceutical Prescription in Diabetes.
Both atlases describe the health care received by the diabetic population in Navarra in terms of care provision, care outcomes and complications in the former and in terms of the pharmacological treatment prescribed in the latter.

Cited: Angulo-Pueyo E, Gorricho Mendívil J, Zaborras Aguado A, Seral-Rodríguez M, & Bernal-Delgado E. (2024). Atlas de prescripción farmacéutica en diabetes en Navarra – Atlas of pharmaceutical prescription in diabetes in Navarra (1.0.2). Zenodo.

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