12-13 December 2023. Annual meeting of the Data Science Group for Health Services and Policy Research and Atlas of Variations in Medical Practice.
Researchers in health services, health professionals from the health administration, managers and clinicians from the 17 Autonomous Communities are working on the Atlas VPM project and will meet on December 12 and 13, 2023 in Zaragoza, together with professionals from other projects we are working on, CONCEPT and RICAPPS.

The meeting of the Data Science for Health Services and Policy Research and Atlas VPM group aims to advance and define the next steps and activities on the different projects, and the synergies established between all of them.
In this meeting, the different professionals discuss and advance on the current projects in which the group is working and the atlases in which progress is being made, among which we can highlight this year:
-Atlas of antibiotic and opioid dispensing.
-Atlas of surgical procedures with a high incidence in waiting lists.
-Atlas of cardiovascular patient care in primary care.
-Presentation of results of the CONCEPT PROJECT, DIABETES Cohort and ischemic stroke cohort.
-Tools for the development of federated projects.
-Future plans

Web: https://cienciadedatosysalud.org