April 3, 2024. Enrique Bernal: “Federated Data Research: Lessons for Health Systems Comparative Analyses» in Harvard University
Enrique Bernal-Delgado will present “Federated Data Research: Lessons for Health Systems Comparative Analyses» in the HSPH Health Policy & Management Seminar (Harvard University- School of Public Health) on Wednesday, April 3rd, the event will be held from 10-11am in Kresge 439 (in-person only).
Enrique-Bernal Delgado, Founder & Section Head at the Data Science for Health Services and Policy Research at the Institute for Health Sciences in Aragon (IACS), Spain, who will give a lecture on international comparisons.

International and multi-site observational research using real-world and sensitive data requires a federated approach. In this lecture, we will discuss important lessons learned through prior and ongoing international research projects across high-income countries, including main issues in deploying federated data approaches, orchestration of nodes in the federation, and the need for semantic and technical interoperability. Some tools for effective deployment of federated research projects will be proposed.
Enrique Bernal-Delgado, MD, PhD is the Founder & Section Head at the Data Science for Health Services and Policy Research at the Institute for Health Sciences
in Aragon (IACS), Spain. He previously was a Visiting Scholar at the Dartmouth Institute. His research focuses on 1) the study of unwarranted variations in health systems performance (including utilization, spending, and quality of care), 2) the study of real-world effectiveness of complex interventions (particularly among frail and complex populations), and 3) advanced methods and technologies using federated analyses on sensitive, real-world data.