
PHIRI – WP6 – Use Case A Common Data Model (3.0.0)

CONCEPT-IC – Modelo de datos

Common data model | ATLASVPM- Modelo común de datos. In Atlas de variaciones en la práctica médica en el sistema nacional de salud

A methodology for identifying high-need, high-cost patient personas for international comparisons

PHIRI APP – WP7 – PHIRI Federated Research Infrastructure (FRI) – D7.1 Small-scale prototype of PHIRI federated infrastructure

Coping with Interoperability in the Development of A Federated Research Infrastructure: Achievements, Challenges and Recommendations from the JA Infact

Can people afford to pay for health care? New evidence on financial protection in Spain

Use of digital health tools in Europe: Before, during and after COVID-19

COVID-19 pandemic health system responses in the Mediterranean countries: a tale of successes and challenges

Balancing financial incentives during COVID-19: A comparison of provider payment adjustments across 20 countries