
Early health system responses to the COVID-19 pandemic in Mediterranean countries: A tale of successes and challenges

International comparison of spending and utilization at the end of life for hip fracture patients

Within and across country variations in treatment of patients with heart failure and diabetes

Differences in health care spending and utilization among older frail adults in high-income countries: ICCONIC hip fracture persona

Differences in health outcomes for high-need high-cost patients across high-income countries

PHIRI – WP7 – Pilot Common Data Model (1.0.0)

International comparison of health spending and utilization among people with complex multimorbidity

CONCEPT-SURBCAN – Minería de Procesos: Análisis del proceso de atención a supervivientes de larga duración de cáncer de mama (1.0.0)

CONCEPT APP – Interfaz Gráfica de Usuarios (GUI) del entorno de análisis federado CONCEPT (1.0.0)

Restarting more routine hospital activities during COVID-19: Approaches from six countries