
A data infrastructure for the assessment of health care performance: lessons from the BRIDGE-health project.

Quality and technical efficiency do not evolve hand in hand in Spanish hospitals: Observational study with administrative data.

Evolution of public hospitals expenditure by healthcare area in the Spanish National Health System: the determinants to pay attention to.

Spain: Health System Review

Health Data for Public Health: Towards New Ways of Combining Data Sources to Support Research Efforts in Europe.

Factors associated with hospitalisations in chronic conditions deemed avoidable: ecological study in the Spanish healthcare system.

Applying spatio-temporal models to assess variations across health care areas and regions: lessons from the decentralized Spanish National Health System.

Mapa georreferenciado de las zonas básicas de salud de PAIS VASCO.

Mapa georreferenciado de las zonas básicas de salud de NAVARRA.

Mapa georreferenciado de las zonas básicas de salud de MURCIA.