
What the PHIRI federated research infrastructure has achieved so far?

An enhanced version of the PHIRI infrastructure: improving the analytical services

The European Health Data Space 2: is Europe ready to maximise the re-use of health data?

Was there any delay in the treatment of breast cancer patients because of the COVID-19 stringency measures?

European consensus of criteria for the evaluation of good practices in chronic conditions

CONCEPT – Algoritmo de compactación de trazas de actividad en procesos de largo término

CONCEPT-IC – Guía de Anotación de entidades clínicas en informes de alta hospitalaria en episodios de hospitalización de agudos por Insuficiencia Cardíaca

Health data collection methods and procedures across EU member states: findings from the InfAct Joint Action on health information

CONCEPT-IC – Modelo de datos (0.1.0)

PHIRI APP – WP7 – PHIRI Federated Research Infrastructure (FRI) – D7.1 Small-scale prototype of PHIRI federated infrastructure (2.2.4)