
Why the US spends more treating high-need high-cost patients: a comparative study of pricing and utilization of care in six high-income countries

BY-COVID – WP5 – Baseline Use Case: COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness assessment – Data Management Plan

BY-COVID – WP5 – Baseline Use Case: SARS-CoV-2 vaccine effectiveness assessment – Common Data Model Specification

Has Arthroscopic Meniscectomy Use Changed in Response to the Evidence? A Large-database Study From Spain

Revisiting systematic geographical variations in tonsils surgery in children in the Spanish National Health System: spatiotemporal ecological study on hospital administrative data

What the PHIRI federated research infrastructure has achieved so far?

An enhanced version of the PHIRI infrastructure: improving the analytical services

The European Health Data Space 2: is Europe ready to maximise the re-use of health data?

Was there any delay in the treatment of breast cancer patients because of the COVID-19 stringency measures?

European consensus of criteria for the evaluation of good practices in chronic conditions