Publised ATLASVPM – Common data model
ATLASVPM – Common data model In Atlas de variaciones en la práctica médica en el sistema nacional de salud. ISSN: 2529-9255 (1.0.0, Vol. 1, Number 1). Zenodo.
This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that atlasvpm contributed 364 entries already.
ATLASVPM – Common data model In Atlas de variaciones en la práctica médica en el sistema nacional de salud. ISSN: 2529-9255 (1.0.0, Vol. 1, Number 1). Zenodo.
We are in Rome with PHIRI Project. PHIRI will be happy to participate in the 17th World Congress on Public Health in Rome, with many sessions and a poster!
Enrique Bernal Delgado, IACS Researcher in the Data Science for Health Services and Policy Research Group, participate speaking about “Transfer from health data to policy, interoperability and clinical practice”.
Enrique Bernal-Delgado participates in the congress discussing artificial intelligence and its applications.
Luca Lorenzoni, Alberto Marino, Zeynep Or, Carl Rudolf Blankart, Kosta Shatrov, Walter Wodchis, Nils Janlov, Jose F. Figueroa, Nicholas Bowden, Enrique Bernal-Delgado, Irene Papanicolas, Why the US spends more treating high-need high-cost patients: a comparative study of pricing and utilization of care in six high-income countries, Health policy
Video The Population Health Information Research Infrastructure (PHIRI)
This Atlas describes the health care received by the diabetic population in Aragon in 2020, in terms of the prescribed pharmacological treatment.
Enrique Bernal-Delgado participate in the session ‘Can we rapidly scale up the quality labeling of healthcare data sets?’. Health Data Forum Global Hybrid Summit 2022, Quality of Health data, a dynamic complexity, a critical factor for catalysing smarter healthcare and efficient research.
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50009 Zaragoza
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Atlas VPM, coordinated by IACS, is recognized by the Spanish Ministry of Health and Social Services and Equality as a privileged source (“Registro de Utilidad”) for the National Health System.